Things That Spin

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We Like To Watch Things Spin

Everything from planets to dice, we like to watch it spin and listen to the sounds those things make as they rotate and gradually come to rest. Especially the sounds of planets.

Our founder and owner at the Institute for Things That Spin is a leading scientist in the field of everyday objects spinning. A connoisseur of the rotating, whirling article and a recognised savant of all that pivots, our Director at the Institute has engaged the Institute in cataloguing, both aurally and optically and for the hereafter, a selection of artefacts as they spin in their resplendence. These motion pictures are provided to you, the public, for your delectation here on this digital platform commonly referred to as a World Wide Web and at no cost whatsoever. Such is the altruistic disposition of gloriousness to be found at the Institute of Things That Spin.


Do you have a favourite object that you like to spin?
Perhaps you like to stare at your clothes in the dryer. In groups of 2 or 3 discuss the things you like to watch spin. What are the positive aspects of things spinning in the context of a modern technological society? How can spinning negatively affect society and how can we overcome these obstacles?
What are the ethical implications of spinning?
Write your answers on a mackerel and release it back into the sea.

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